World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Updated Friday, 17 May 2024

The World Nuclear Performance Report 2023 edition provides an up-to-date picture of the nuclear power sector, both for generation of electricity from reactors in operation today, and reactors currently under construction.

Watch the launch video

Download the report as a pdf


Download the Chinese language version of the report, translated by the China Institute of Nuclear Industry Strategy.

Global results from the World Nuclear Performance Report

World Nuclear Performance Report
Director General Conclusions

Sama Bilbao y León discusses the importance of turning political commitment into action.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Global Nuclear Industry Performance

An overview of key global results, with high resolution images.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Preface to World Nuclear Performance Report

Opening remarks from our Director General, Sama Bilbao y León.

Case Studies

World Nuclear Performance Report
Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant Steam Supply

This project will supply high-temperature steam an industrial site as an alternative to steam generation from fossil fuels.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Darlington Nuclear Refurbishment Project Update

Unit 3 refurbishment execution began in September 2020, incorporating the unit 2 lessons learned. It was reconnected grid in July 2023.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Commissioning Fuqing 5&6

The Fuqing nuclear power plant units 5&6 are CNNC’s demonstration Hualong One units.

Country Results

Key figures and updates on recent events

World Nuclear Performance Report
Argentina World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Argentina has two nuclear power plants: Atucha and Embalse

World Nuclear Performance Report
United Kingdom World Nuclear Association 2023

The UK has nine operable reactors at seven sites; eight are AGRs, with one PWR at Sizewell.

World Nuclear Performance Report
United States World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

The USA has 93 operable reactors with the largest combined capacity of any single country.

World Nuclear Performance Report
United Arab Emirates World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

The United Arab Emirates has three operable nuclear power reactors at Barakah.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Turkey World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

The Akkuyu nuclear plant will comprise four 1114 MWe VVER-1200 reactors.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Ukraine World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Ukraine has 15 reactors at four sites, Rovno and Khmelnitski in the west of the country, and South Ukraine and Zaporizhzhia in the south.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Sweden World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

There are six reactors operating in three locations in Sweden: Ringhals, Oskarshamm, and Forsmark.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Switzerland World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Switzerland has two reactors at Beznau, one at Gösgen, and one at Leibstadt.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Taiwan, China World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Taiwan has two operable nuclear power reactors with a combined capacity of 1874 MWe.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Spain World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Spain has seven operable nuclear reactors at five sites across the country.

World Nuclear Performance Report
South Korea World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

There are 25 reactors operating in South Korea, providing more than a quarter of the country's electricity.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Slovakia World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Slovakia has two nuclear power plants, at Bohunice and Mochovce,

World Nuclear Performance Report
Slovenia World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Slovenia has a single reactor operating at Krško

World Nuclear Performance Report
South Africa World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

South Africa has a single nuclear power plant at Koeberg.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Russia World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

There are 37 operable reactors in Russia, with the majority in the west of the country.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Romania World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Two CANDU-6 PHWRs at the Cernavoda plant, provide electricity and district heating to the adjacent town.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Pakistan World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Pakistan has six operating nuclear power reactors at two sites: Chashma and Karachi.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Netherlands World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

A single 485 MWe PWR operates at Borssele.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Mexico World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Mexico has two operable nuclear reactors located at Laguna Verde.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Japan World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Ten of the country’s 33 operable reactors have restarted as of June 2023.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Iran World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

A single VVER-1000 unit is in operation in Iran at Bushehr.

World Nuclear Performance Report
India World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

India has 22 reactors at seven nuclear power plants located both inland and along the coast.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Hungary World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Four VVER-440 reactors operate at the Paks nuclear power plant,

World Nuclear Performance Report
Germany World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Germany's final three reactors were shutdown in April 2023.

World Nuclear Performance Report
France World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

France has 56 operable reactors at a variety of coastal and inland sites.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Finland World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Finland has two nuclear power plants. Loviisa and Olkiluoto

World Nuclear Performance Report
Egypt World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Three  VVER-1200/V-529 reactors are currently under construction in Egypt at El Dabaa,

World Nuclear Performance Report
Czech Republic World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

The Czech Republic has six operable reactors: two units are at Temelin, and four units at Dukovany.

World Nuclear Performance Report
China (mainland) World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Mainland China has 55 operable reactors, primarily at sites along its southeast coastline.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Canada World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Nineteen reactors operate at four plants in southeast Canada,

World Nuclear Performance Report
Bulgaria World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Bulgaria has one nuclear power plant, Kozloduy, located about 110km north of Sofia.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Brazil World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Brazil has one nuclear power plant at Angra, 200km west of Rio de Janeiro.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Belgium World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Belgium has two nuclear power plants: Doel and Tihange.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Bangladesh World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Two Russian-designed VVER-1200s are under construction in Bangladesh at Rooppur.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Belarus World Nuclear Perforamance Report 2023

Belarus has two VVER-1200 reactors, located at Ostrovets, about 120km northwest of Minsk.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Armenia World Nuclear Performance Report 2023

Armenia has one nuclear power plant, Metsamor, also known as the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant.

Further Information

World Nuclear Performance Report
Geographical Categories

Geographical regions used is this report and the countries assigned to them.

World Nuclear Performance Report

Abbreviations used in this report.

World Nuclear Performance Report
Background information

Acknowledgements, definitions and assumptions.