As of 31 December 2022
All 15 reactors in Ukraine are VVER units. Rovno and Khmelnitski are located in the west of the country, and South Ukraine and Zaporizhzhia in the south.
In February 2022 Russia launched a military offensive against Ukraine. The war has had an impact on energy systems across Ukraine, including nuclear facilities. Generation from nuclear has dropped significantly during the war, with all six units at Zaporizhzhia – which has been occupied by Russian military forces – being offline since September 2022. However, with overall electricity demand reduced, the share of electricity supplied by nuclear has remained at just over half.
In October 2022 Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a decree to transfer the Zaporizhzhia plant to Russian control. Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs described the statement as an "illegal attempt" to transfer operational control of the plant.
Since January 2023 teams of nuclear safety and security experts from the IAEA have been stationed at Ukraine’s nuclear power plants and the Chernobyl site.
Figure Uk1. Annual electricity output (TWh) and age of reactors (years) at time of generation*
Figure Uk2. Average capacity factor of reactors in Ukraine*
Figure Uk3. Emissions avoidance through use of nuclear generation in Ukraine*
* Provisional data for 2023
WNN Links
Cameco to supply Ukraine's uranium needs to 2035 : World Nuclear News - 9 February 2023
IAEA: 'No immediate risk' to Zaporizhzhia from dam damage : World Nuclear News - 6 June 2023