As of 31 December 2022
Slovenia has a single reactor operating at Krško, about 40 km northeast of Zagreb. It is a two-loop Westinghouse PWR with a net capacity of 688 MWe.
The plant’s operating company Nuklearna Elektrarna Krško (NEK) is jointly owned by Slovenian state-owned company Gen-Energija and Croatian state-owned company Hrvatska Elektroprivreda (HEP).
A decision-in-principle on a further unit at Krško – referred to as JEK 2 – was expected to be made in August 2023, with a decision on its construction in 2027.
In January 2023, the Ministry of the Environment approved a 20-year extension of Krško's operating lifetime. In April 2023 a used fuel dry storage facility was commissioned at Krško.
Figure Sn1. Annual electricity output (TWh) and age of reactors (years) at time of generation
Figure Sn2. Average capacity factor of reactors in Slovenia
Figure Sn3. Emissions avoidance through use of nuclear generation in Slovenia
WNN Links
Krško extension approved, after environmental impact assessment : World Nuclear News - 17 January 2023